Starting a journey of self-discovery and expanding your craft is thrilling, and filled with new insights and magical possibilities. As you explore your abilities, it’s important to also consider the ethics behind your practice. Understanding the impact of your energy work and respecting the free will of others ensures that your magic is both powerful and aligned with the greater good.
In the realm of witchcraft and spiritual practice, consent is everything. Performing any spell or energy work on someone without their consent is not only a violation of that individual’s free will but also a violation of universal law. No matter how pure the intention, such actions will create energetic repercussions that ultimately return to the caster.
Think about healing work, while the intention may be to help someone, it’s essential to remember that you wouldn’t give someone medicine or perform surgery without their permission. Energy healing is no different. It requires respect for the individual and their right to choose whether or not they want to receive assistance. Some believe you can ask a person’s higher self for consent, but if the human says no or doesn’t give their permission, proceeding is still unethical. Plus, if someone isn’t aware enough to ask for healing, they likely aren’t open enough to truly receive it. Even the most well-meaning gesture can be invasive without consent.
The same holds true for love spells. Casting a love spell on someone without their consent is a form of energetic manipulation, plain and simple. It’s like narcissistic love bombing, an attempt to control someone’s emotions and free will. It’s toxic, deceptive, and breeds unhealthy relationships.
And when it comes to curses, jinxes, and hexes? Treat them with extreme caution. These are forms of energetic violence, and just as with physical harm, they should only be used in situations of self-defense. If not, they’ll come back to you, and often with even greater force.
Ethical witchcraft calls for accountability. Energy is a potent force, and it needs to be handled with integrity, respect, and a deep awareness of free will. By honoring free will and practicing with integrity we maintain balance in the spiritual world and ensure that our work benefits, ourselves as well as the collective.